Week of 5/3/20 - Pages 208 - 222

An associate of mine who lived in Pennsylvania founded the Herr potato chip factory in 1946 .  Mr. Herr, the founder, passed away in 2012.  The business is still thriving and family owned.  

Why do I tell you about this?  While I never had the privilege of visiting his business, I do know that on his desk was a stack small books which he gave to anyone who happened into his office.  The book was called “Chips of Wisdom” and it was a reprint of the book of Proverbs.  What a great gift!  The wisdom of Solomon in this small book from a potato chip maker!

Proverbs is one of my favorite books of the Bible.  Proverbs contains some of the most applicable truths in the Bible.  Such as:

Proverbs 11: 25

“The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.” 

Most of them are pithy statements brimming with imagery from the real world. 

Proverbs 15:2

“The tongue of the wise makes knowledge appealing, but the mouth of a fool belches out foolishness.”

Any particular proverb might be applied to any number of everyday situations---from getting out of bed in the morning to building a strong foundation in our relationships with others.

Proverbs demonstrates that God concerns Himself not just with the big, cataclysmic events of life but even those mundane moments.

Proverbs constantly reminds me to follow God even in those seemingly “small” circumstances. Proverbs is a little like our owners manual!  I challenge all of us to allow Proverbs to refocus our attention on applying these “chips of wisdom” to our own lives.