Week of 6/21/20 - Pages 305 - 319

I’ve read through Job a few times over the years and never really appreciated this part where Elihu son of Barakel the Buzite offers his wisdom to Job and his so-called friends. Truth be told, I totally missed it! What’s a Buzite? Elihu seems to be more of the kind of friend Job needed and we should aspire to be, although, sad to say I’ve belonged more in the other camp. His perspective seemed to exhibit a godly wisdom rather than the mostly judgmental, self-righteousness of Job’s “friends”.

 I have to say that reading Job in general has reinforced in my mind the idea that we have no business shaking our fist at God in anger or judgment. Should we finite creatures be critiquing our infinite Creator?  He is the potter and we are the clay!