
John Chapter 3

One of the most important verses by far in the Bible is in chapter 3, 3:16.

The first time I was ever exposed to John 3:16 was back in the 70’s. There was this crazy guy that would show up at sporting events all over the world, he would strategically place himself where TV cameras would spot him. He always wore a rainbow wig and held a JESUS SAVES or John 3:16 sign (for anyone under the age of 40 Google the name Rollen Stewart). Sadly, as a kid, I would ask what was John 3:16 but all I was told was that it was a Bible verse. I never bothered to look up the verse, not until 3 decades later.

The chapter opens with a Pharisee named Nicodemus who comes to visit Jesus at night. I Love how Nicodemus starts off the conversation by telling Jesus things that he already knows but Jesus knows the heart of Nicodemus and hits Nick with “unless you are born again you cannot see the Kingdom of God.” Like Nick, I was confused by what Jesus meant . Nicodemus’ question is silly, but I thought that if I was a good person and did more good than bad that maybe just maybe God would let me into Heaven. Now, if anyone could have made it by works or by the law, it would have been Nicodemus. If anyone could present his righteous credentials before God, it would be Nick.

Thankfully Jesus gives Nicodemus and everyone reading this verse the way to heaven! Can it really be that simple? That if we believe in Him that we will not perish but have eternal life; I will never forget the first time that a believer broke it down for me, how the significance of the sacrifice that Jesus made for me and believing in that sacrifice meant eternal life or eternal death. He said that its like we are in prison being asked whether or not we will accept a pardon. That is the gospel. It is not telling a man that he is on trial. He is already condemned. He is already in prison waiting for execution. But the gospel tells him a pardon is offered to him. The point is will you accept the pardon? The gospel is to save those who are already lost.

And finally probably because of the significance of 3:16 the chapter ends with the selfless dedication of John the Baptist. What I learned was that in verse 34-36 John basically confirms John 3:16. “For he is sent by God. He speaks God’s words, for God gives him the Spirit without limit. 35 The Father loves his Son and has put everything into his hands. 36 And anyone who believes in God’s Son has eternal life. Anyone who doesn’t obey the Son will never experience eternal life but remains under God’s angry judgment.”

This chapter is so rich I have only scratched the surface! Take the time to really study the words in Chapter 3 you will be blessed over and over again!

John Chapter 2

In John 2 the interaction and dialog between Jesus and his mother is at two levels.  The first level is the pragmatic one.  The host for this wedding celebration and is out of wine.  A crisis for any host with guests.  Jesus gives a strange answer, “My hour has not come.” For a 21st century reader with a historical  context of Jesus death on a cross and resurrection it is easy to see in his answer Jesus is thinking about something else and doesn’t want to be bothered. 

Jesus mother doesn’t seem to blink an eye on Jesus response. She directs the servants to follow Jesus instructions.  Jesus’s matter-of-fact directions to the servants involves using the materials available to him. The jars, the water source, the servants to do the work. It’s notable that Jesus instructs them to fill it to the brim with water.  The bridegroom is struck by the quality of what now has become exceptional wine.  

The writer John tells us this is “…the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him.”   This supernatural event, water that is turned into wine happens in wedding celebration.  Jesus willingness to help in this moment, the generosity in the amount of wine created and the extremely high quality show us what he is able to give. 

The setting shifts after some traveling time to Jerusalem.  At the Jewish Passover celebration another side of Jesus character is displayed. Many Jew’s from the surrounding towns, cities and nations would trek to Jerusalem to remember their liberation by God from slavery in Egypt under Moses as a celebration.  Jews would gather at the temple court to purchase what they needed for the celebration.  Jesus was appalled by what he saw as a misuse of the sacred space of the court temple for commerce.  Jesus anger translated into overturning of tables and scattering the people, animals and money.  It must have been wild with a lot of shouting!  The the physical activity matches up with a parallel spiritual track. Jesus actions fulfilled an attribute from the ancient Hebrew texts.  “His disciples remembered that it is written: “Zeal for your house will consume me.”

The Jews present want an explanation.  They ask in an indirect manner.  Where does your authority come from to behave this way? A strange answer. “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.”  A spiritual answer about Jesus own purpose for being here. 

The Jews continue to discuss the physical temple and are incredulous at Jesus statement. John the writer explains the gap of understanding.  “But the temple he had spoken of was his body. After he was raised from the dead, his disciples recalled what he had said.” 

These two dramatic stories, moments in history associated with Jesus, caused people who were watching or following to believe in Him.  One story is birthed from hospitality, generosity and kindness and the other from anger about the misuse of God’s sacred space.

John Chapter 1

In the Old Testament, lambs were used as sacrifices to repent for the sins of man.

In the New Testament, Jesus, Son of God, becomes that sacrificial lamb for all of humanity.

He willfully sacrifices Himself as atonement for our sins.  Imagine Jesus the Messiah, Son of God, coming to earth to live amongst us in a fallen sinful world.  He showed us all that salvation was available to us through His grace, only if we are willing to receive it.

What kind of king is this?  One who was able to endure all the pain, hardships, torture, unjust treatment while here on earth, while showing us love, grace, forgiveness, kindness.  Through Him we could receive eternal life with God.

Jesus didn't live a perfect life, while here on earth, but he lived a sinless life.  It often makes me think of that saying "what would Jesus do?" whenever I face any kind of adversity in my life.  Although I fall short of the high standards set by Jesus, it forces me to make better decisions than I would've made without Jesus.