Church Of The Chimes

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Week of 9/19/21 - Pages 257 - 277

This week's reading covers 9+ chapters of the book of Mark packed full of events in Jesus' ministry.  This morning however, as I read again these chapters, I was struck by "how very little I really understand of the spiritual realm." In chapters 4 & 5 we see Jesus completely astonish his closest disciples by speaking a word and calming a storm, we see a man so controlled by evil spirits that he regularly broke chains and shackles with his bare hands, we see demon's terrified about being banished to a desolate place, but then the weird twist that they go into pigs that are then drowned.  Was that better for them than being banished to a desolate place?  Then in Chapter 9, after the disciples had already been sent out with authority and success casting out evil spirits, run across a particular kind of evil spirit that can only be cast out a different way. There is so much I don't understand about the spiritual realm and how it works.

 What Jesus told Nicodemus in John 3:12 comes to mind, "But if you don't believe me when I tell you about earthly things, how can you possibly believe if I tell you about heavenly things?" And in Mark 4:40, Jesus in training his closest followers after they thought they were about to die by a raging storm, he asked them "Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?"

 Mentally I try to put myself in both situations, as Nicodemus and as the disciples, and I find it hard to think that I would have acted much differently. So, the natural reaction for me then is to hear Jesus' words as if he is speaking them directly to me. I wonder at times how much of my faith and growth in the spiritual is stunted by fear, and I wonder how my ignorance of the spiritual makes me less effective for the Lord's work here during my time on earth.

 One thing Jesus says toward the very end of our reading this week is helpful, Mark 10:15: "I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn't receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it." While on one hand it is again something that is a bit spiritually mysterious, this brings me comfort for some reason.  A child does not have it all figured out and he/she is not expected to.  In the purest sense they have complete trust and faith in their parents; they love big and without fear; and on their best days they excitedly explore this life they have been given having fun and trying to be obedient to their parents. 

 I'm not sure why this gives me some comfort, but it does. Of course, we are not children, and the Scriptures both warn us and teach us how to suit up every day for the challenges of this life and the spiritual warfare that perhaps is difficult for us to understand at times, but as we stand firm, Jesus' words about our innocent faith & life as we see in Mark 10:15 still bring me comfort. 

May the Lord grant you peace today, no matter what spiritual or physical battles you face, and may you get a chance to be like a child today. Love big without fear, enjoy playing with a friend or even make a new one, maybe have an ice cream cone, and when the really hard or scary stuff comes your way, hold on to your Abba's hand and let him handle it.