Church Of The Chimes

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Week of 8/29/21 - Pages 225 - 232

Paul's letter to the Philippians , gives me pause for thought. How can a man who is imprisoned for spreading the gospel, deny his own frustration and anger at his capture and continue his mission to spread the word behind bars? It would be conceivable for him to be writing letters of anger and resentment to the world who feels threatened by his profession of faith. Yet his belief in God and his strong faith allow him to keep going forward with the crusade he had started. More important is his passion for reaching his beloved people in Philippi so he can continue to lead them towards their eternal reward.
So, I think! I ponder. How on fire am I for Christ? Do I spread the good news when given the chance and opportunity? I do not plan on spending time in prison, but am I imprisoned none the less by my laziness and discomfort for evangelism? May the Lord bless us with the same blessings he gave to Paul so we too can fulfill the Lord's work.