Church Of The Chimes

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Week of 6/13/21 - Pages 19 - 37

 Knock, knock.

Nothing like an unexpected midnight request – to put a friendly relationship to the test! 

A few years ago, on a visit to Texas to see family, I pre-arranged with one of my brothers that I would stop and stay at his house on my first night. I advised him that my arrival would be “late-late” and he said that sounded “great-great.” I was serious. He was joking. I showed up after midnight…and that house was stone quiet – not a light in sight. Like a Luke 11:5-8 role-play, I made such a ruckus that my sleeping brother startled up and graciously opened the door. 

In my (embarrassing) example, getting what I wanted (“in”) required persistence…and yes a little swallow of pride (gulp-gone!). In Luke 11, Jesus is encouraging us to pray persistently! Actually, he is instructing us – and he goes much deeper:

“And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.”

Luke 11:9

Keep onkeep onkeep on – three times persistence is featured. And this is no generic “be persistent” cheer. Jesus has given us three concepts, which are distinct yet inextricably linked in the context:

Asking. Making our requests known to our heavenly Father.

Seeking. Earnestly searching for God’s perfect perspective.

Knocking. Taking action – not a passive approach.

I feel like Jesus is goading us on, saying: “BRING IT!” 

All of this is coming across as more involved than how I’ve been thinking. More connected. Perhaps as I seek, I may find the answer to my request is different than the answer I thought I wanted. As I knock, I may find that my own action is the mechanism for accomplishing God’s purpose in a situation, and I still might not be getting what I think I want. 

The persistent prayer that Jesus is pressing in this passage – said bluntly, is not about getting what I think I want. In Luke 9:13, Jesus makes clear the result of persistent prayer: “… how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him.” What a gift! And with the Holy Spirit as my Counselor and my Advocate – my asking, seeking, and knocking is powerfully transformed

Today, join me in inviting the Holy Spirit to guide us as we pray persistently – askingseekingknocking. And as we pray – askingseekingknocking – may our personal perspectives give way to the perspective of the God of the Universe! 

Askingseekingknocking, Amen!