Church Of The Chimes

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2 Corinthians Chapter 4

When I saw the title of this chapter, “Treasure in Fragile Clay Jars”, my mind instantly went to terra-cotta clay pots. The ones most used in the garden, they’re often my first choice when planting flowers because they are simple, sturdy and will take a beating. They are a great heat conductor that helps seedlings grow. The pots have simple lines that do not distract you from the beautiful flower or plant that is growing inside the pot, from a simple daisy, a green fern or a beautiful and often finicky orchid. They come in many sizes and can take a lot of hard knocks. The clay pots still work even if they have a crack, a chip or are weathered. They have stood the test of time. 

2 Corinthians 4 for me is a great picture of who we are in Christ. Our bodies may be fragile on the outside, but oh what’s on the inside is what matters. Our exterior comes in many shapes and sizes, with some being polished and others scarred and messy. What our exterior looks like doesn’t matter to Christ; rather it’s what is in our hearts that matter. We are His treasures. Christ Jesus sacrificed it all for you and me. 

Becoming a believer in Christ doesn’t mean that I will have a perfect life or that all my prayers will be answered. Nor does it mean that all the chaos in my life will just disappear. What it does mean is that through all of my trials and tribulations God is with me.  Verse 7 clearly states, “We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.” Becoming a believer in Christ to me means that as a Christian living in the world I need to choose to be in the world or of this world. When I live in the world I leave room for Jesus to live in me so that His light that lives in me can shine through for all to see. Living in the world allows for the Good News to be shared. Being a servant for Jesus allows Him to work through me for good. When I choose to live of this world I get lost in my agenda and my comforts making things about me and forgetting to share God’s truths and putting the glory on me. When I live in the world I will still encounter hardships, rejection, and at times I may be under constant attack. Verses 8-9 tell us, we will be surrounded by troubles, but not crushed. We will worry but not lose hope, be chased, knocked down, but God will never abandon us. Verse 15 says, “All of this is for your benefit. And as God’s grace reaches more and more people, there will be great thanksgiving, and God will receive more and more glory.” As one of Christ treasures I will continue to spread the seeds of hope, share the good news for all to hear and bring glory to HIM.