Church Of The Chimes

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Romans Chapter 5

Romans 5:1-2  Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,  through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory of God.

The first two verses of Romans 5 may be one of the greatest and most succinct expressions of the meaning of the Gospel ever written.  Sometimes we read the Bible, and words like “justified,” “faith,” “peace,” and “grace” sound like religious jargon so familiar to our ears that we fail to pause and take in the incredible truth they convey in a simple sentence.  

Step back for a moment, breathe, and read these two verses again.

You have peace with God!  There is no sin, mistake, or failure that separates you from God and His love!  No past, present, or future missteps, dirty laundry, or skeletons in the closet that change how God sees you, or interrupts the warm intimacy between you and He.  Faith in Jesus has restored forever what was once a broken and painful disconnect.  

Do you hear me?  Because of your trust in Jesus and what He accomplished, you never, ever, ever have to be afraid again of whether or not God loves you, has your back, or believes the best about you.  Any thoughts or feelings of His rejection, disappointment, judgment, or disgust with you – are simply not true – lies of the enemy – designed to worry you, make you anxious, and cause you to think twice about running to your affectionate father in heaven.  But friends, these verses…You have peace with God!  He will ALWAYS receive you with open arms!

Is that not amazing?  Is that not good news? 

It’s great news!  It’s phenomenal news!  It’s literally, “off the chain” news!  It’s Amazing Grace!  

It’s almost too good to be true…too hard to believe…but brothers and sisters, believing it is the very door to the gift of peace with God!  Believe it!  Trust it! Speak it out loud against those thoughts and ideas that come pushing and forcing their way into your mind and emotions saying otherwise!  It’s this grace – that you have eternal peace with God your Father – that is the joy and strength of the rest of your life.  

Paul says it’s the “grace in which we stand…”  So stand in God’s promise that you and He are more than good!  Stand against any thought, lie, or accusation that says otherwise, and “take it captive to the obedience of Christ” (2 Cor. 10:5).  Stand in all the ways He is calling you now to serve in His kingdom, and demolish the roadblocks of guilt, shame, second-guessing, and fear that have kept you from walking in the way, and helping others to walk that road too (Ephesians 2:1-10).

You are sons and daughters of the original, the best, the most loving, understanding, protective, dedicated, and most sacrificial father of all time!!!!  And right now He says to you “(insert your name), my sweet child, I am yours and you are mine, and that’s how you and I will always be…”