Church Of The Chimes

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Acts Chapter 11

What an awesome chapter, so much happens in these thirty verses of scripture. The excitement of the gospel spreading was tangible. 

Here's the flyby.

* Word spreads that Peter has been baptizing Gentiles. The Gospel spreads cross culture.

* Peter comes back and shares the epic vision and that God said unclean things are now okay.

* He explains that the Holy Spirit fell on the Gentiles while he was speaking, and filled them with the same signs and gifts as they had received.

* A celebration erupts.

Meanwhile in Antioch

* The disciples there are preaching to Jews and Gentiles also.

* Barnabas goes to check things out. He and Paul stay for a year to help the church get up and running.

* A prophet comes and declares there will be a bad famine soon.

* The disciples decide it's up to them to make sure that fellow believers are cared for if this happens, so they send supplies with Barnabas and Saul.

I love how the Christians responded to the need by being generous and providing for fellow believers. This is a wonderful picture of love in action. What would the world look like if the Church responded in the same way to the needs of our communities today?  What if our “normal” was living in a constant state of radical generosity?